Thursday, February 26, 2015

Connection Essay

My area of interest is about connection.

In the novel Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer, the characters all need connection and without it they are nothing.

  1. Why are they nothing?
  2. Do the characters have connections?
  3. How do you maintain a connection?
  4. Do they all want to have a connection or a complete connection?
  5. Do they try to make connections?
  6. What happens when you don't have a connection?
  7. What makes you have a connection?
Key Passages:
pg 43 - without connection Oskar feels weird and unspecial because he is alone
pg 145- when there is no connection he feels sad, like when he was on stage under the skull extremely close to everything in the universe but also incredibly alone
pg 200- oskar liked to touch the key just to know it was there
pg 268- grandfather calls grandma even though he cant speak just because he wants to connect with her
pg 267- grandma still wants some connection with the grandfather but not a complete connection
pg 71- walkie talkie and pg 100 baths and yarn- different ways that grandma and oskar were connected
pg 36- being around dads things (a connection) makes his boots lighter
pg 79- grandma trying to make connections with her letters
pg 219- 6th borough a lost connection
pg 220- string that the two kids would talk through
pg 181- touching hands


  1. Great start, Hannah. Once you start writing the quotes word for word, you'll make new discoveries (as you found yesterday during free writing!).

  2. Great post, you really know what you are doing
