Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Key Line

Key Line

“He said that the poems happen to be written by the only great poet of the century. He said I should’ve bought a translation or something. Or learned the language, if you please” (8).  This line is very important because it’s another example of a character getting ignored. Seymour is basically telling his wife Muriel how to understand him. When he says it’s by the only great poet of the century he is basically telling her that reading it will show you what he likes. Muriel completely blows off reading the book simply because she doesn’t understand German. She doesn’t bother to buy a translation or what he suggests as well, learn the language. When Seymour finds out she has not read the poetry book he realizes that his wife doesn’t understand him therefore he ignores her as well and doesn’t even spend time with her. Muriel ignoring Seymour also makes him start to talk to Sybil because she relates to him in a way but, she is too you to understand him.

1 comment:

  1. I love how you connected Muriel's unwillingness to "learn the language" he offers her to his loneliness and subsequent interactions with Sybil. Does Sybil speak his language? What are they getting from each other that the other isn't receiving from those who should be close to them?
